Stress Reduction & Work-Life Success Speaking & Coaching

Life coaching helps prevent the need for therapy and missed workdays, saving time, money, and a mental health stigma. It's a cost-effective benefit with a big ROI.
- No need to talk about problems (which makes them bigger) when you know how to handle and/or prevent them.
- Mental health is supported and promoted with simple, effective tools for understanding people and communicating more effectively.
- Everyday stress, sleepless nights, anxiety, and even depression from feeling hopeless can lessen or disappear completely.
My successful life coaching is fully documented in my client success stories on my coaching site HERE.
Complicated stress-reduction tools and strategies won’t get used.
The ones I teach are easy to use and fun because they produce instant results!
- I can stay after my presentation to listen to and coach your team members one-on-one. Or you can have me in-house one or more days per month for ongoing support.
- When your people know how to make positive changes that help them succeed in life, love, parenting, friendships, and health, they are much happier and more productive.
- Offering monthly life coaching to your employee benefits can improve your revenue and reduce interpersonal conflicts and missed workdays due to stress, anxiety, depression, and overwhelm.
- Wouldn’t you rather invest in proactive life coaching than see your people in therapy? Be their hero!