Stress Reduction & Work-Life Success Speaking & Coaching

Depression, sleep deprivation, and exhaustion are at epidemic proportions, destroying lives, families, and businesses. The mental health of you and your team are of the utmost importance.
I provide practical, right-now solutions to help you and your people to feel more in charge of your life, success, and happiness.
There’s no time to waste on things that don’t work. So instead of energized for the hour or hyped-up for a day, my programs provide maximum value for long-term results with greater clarity and peace of mind immediately.
Success on the outside means NOTHING if you feel empty, overwhelmed, or unhappy on the inside.
Extensive Training & Experience
As a Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, and NLP Practitioner, my research, education and personal growth continue daily to best serve my clients. The tremendous results of my private clients at Positive Women Rock help me pinpoint the most effective tools to use in my speaking presentations. This allows me to guide you and your people step-by-step through the most powerful ways to improve your life immediately. New perspectives and unique, proven communication skills will have you and your team members more energized and enthusiastic about your life and future.
You deserve the most relevant, effective strategies that empower you and your people immediately. The ones with lasting benefits. So, rather than a presentation that hypes you up for an hour, or inspires you for a day, you use your new skills and strategies while you’re in the room with me so you walk out feeling more confident and successful than when you arrived.
I’ve been speaking since 1999 and my presentations are fun, fast-paced and powerful.
Click HERE for my client list and HERE for Speaking and Training info.
My Story
I grew up in Fresno as an Air Force brat and Guard Kid and moved to San Diego in 2005.
Right after high school (1980) I became a paramedic and was saving lives and delivering babies while still a teen. On the outside, everything looked great. But the inside was a different story. Choices I made from a place of low self-esteem led me to become a survivor of years of rape and domestic violence in my early twenties.
Intuitively knowing that talking about it wouldn’t help, I went to an American Indian Shaman. He walked me through a one-hour process to release the trauma and self-sabotaging emotions from my subconscious mind and it hasn’t bothered me since.
I studied with him for 14 years. By age 24, I was doing for others what he had done for me.
In 1999, I created SURVIVE! Self-Defense (1999-2011), a personal safety and self-defense company to teach men, women, teens, and kids how to avoid becoming a victim and simple, quick, effective self-defense techniques just in case.
The confidence and certainty after just a few minutes of training prevented my students from being seen as potential victims. Just knowledge of how people think and using that to their advantage made all the difference.
Working with my hero, John Walsh of America’s Most Wanted, on National TV was definitely a highlight of that career! And since crime is always in the news, I appeared regularly on local stations with safety tips and strategies.
I wrote and published 5 books and a DVD and became a professional speaker to reach as many people as possible.
Business courses led to being recruited for a professional coaching team by the largest personal growth seminar company in the world and that’s where I became certified as a life coach.
Shifting to personal coaching and subconscious mind work, I created Positive Women Rock in 2008. Keeping with my theme of simple, quick, and effective, I now have over 34 years of extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind.
My private clients routinely heal their mental, emotional, and physical bodies by releasing emotional baggage from ancestors that has been passed down through generations without any need to talk about problems or relive painful memories.
Showing people how to take charge of their life, success, and happiness is my passion. I do this with simple, quick, effective techniques and strategies.
Click HERE to Book me for your next event.
Kelly Rudolph, C.Ht, CVACC, NLP
Speaker & Certified life Coach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Hypnotherapist